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Throwing an error

Consider the following code snippet

int a, b = 0 ;
Console.WriteLine( "My program starts" )
a = 10 / b;
Console.WriteLine ( "finally" ) ;
Console.WriteLine ( "Remaining program" ) ;

Here the output is
My program startsException occurred: System.DivideByZeroException: Attempted to divide by ConsoleApplication4.Class1.Main(String[] args) in d:\programs\consoleapplication4\class1.cs:line 51 finally
Note that "Remaining program" is not printed out. Only "finally" is printed which is written in the finally block.

The throw statement throws an exception. A throw statement with an expression throws the exception produced by evaluating the expression. A throw statement with no expression is used in the catch block. It re-throws the exception that is currently being handled by the catch block.

Consider the following program:
int a, b = 0 ;
Console.WriteLine( "My program starts" ) ;
a = 10 / b;
catch ( Exception e)
Console.WriteLine ( "finally" ) ;

The output here is:
My program startsException occurred: System.DivideByZeroException: Attempted to divide by ConsoleApplication4.Class1.Main(String[] args) in d:\programs\consoleapplication4\class1.cs:line 55 finally

This shows that the exception is re-thrown. Whatever is written in finally is executed and the program terminates. Note again that "Remaining program" is not printed.

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