This sample code shows how to generate XML and write to a file.
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Function CreateXML() As Boolean
Dim objDataSet As DataSet
Dim intI As Integer
Dim strPath As String
Dim objWriter As XmlTextWriter
'create an instance of the XmlTextWriter object
' location to the XML file to write
strPath = strFilePath & "\XML\" & strSessionID & ".xml"
objWriter = New XmlTextWriter(strPath, System.Text.Encoding.Default)
' start writing the XML document
' write a comment in our XML file
' starting with the root element i.e. "movies"
'Create dataset as per your requirement.Here xml for Employee is created.The elements are Empno,Emp_name and salary
'Set data to XML tags
If objDataSet.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
For intI = 0 To objDataSet.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1
objWriter.WriteStartElement("Employee") ' output the "Employee" element
objWriter.WriteElementString("EmpNo", objDataSet.Tables(0).Rows(intI).Item("EmpNo").ToString)
objWriter.WriteElementString("Name", objDataSet.Tables(0).Rows(intI).Item("Emp_Name").ToString)
objWriter.WriteElementString("Salary", objDataSet.Tables(0).Rows(intI).Item("Salary"))
objWriter.WriteEndElement() ' close "Employee" element
End If
' end the "Menu" element
' flush and write XML data to the file
Return True
Catch ex As Exception
Return False
' clear up memory
objWriter = Nothing
objDataSet = Nothing
End Try
End Function
Create xml file
How to write ScriptManager and Javascripts for Ajax
Creating and invoking custom events
Events are used to handle the situations dynamically. Let say almost in all the windows application we are using button control, and the click event of it. Actually the click is happening in the button control, but user [we] able to handle the click event in form. The same way we can use the events for our own controls, business objects etc.Example:Class “Store” is used to add and delete the items. Also the class has the event called “OnDelete”, which is used to handle something before the delete operation. The user of the “Store” class can write his codes required to execute before the delete operation.In this example I have handled the OnDelete event to show the warning message while deleting.
// Declare a delegate for the event handler.
public delegate void StoreEventHandler(string itemName,ref bool action);
public class Store
// Declare an event handler
public event StoreEventHandler OnDelete;
private Dictionary ItemList = new Dictionary();
public void Add(int Id,string Name)
public void Delete(int Id)
bool canDelete=false;
//fire the on delete event[s]
OnDelete(ItemList[Id], ref canDelete);
if (canDelete)
MessageBox.Show("Item Deleted sucessfully");
MessageBox.Show("Deletion canceld by the user");
How to use the Store object in your application:
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Store myStore = new Store();
myStore.OnDelete += new StoreEventHandler(myStore_OnDelete
myStore.Add(1, "Milk");
myStore.Add(2, "Biscuts");
void myStore_OnDelete(string itemName, ref bool action)
DialogResult r = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete item '"+itemName+"' from the store","Confirm Item Delete", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
if (r == DialogResult.Yes)
action = true;
action = false;
function in
Hi friends,
I've written a funciton to strip all special characters. But the space is not working.. help me. my coding is
Public Function strip(ByVal des As String)
Dim strorigFileName As String
Dim intCounter As Integer
Dim arrSpecialChar() As String = {".", ",", "<", ">", ":", "?", """", "/", "{", "[", "}", "]", "`", "~", "!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "_", "-", "+", "=", "", " ", "\"}
strorigFileName = desintCounter = 0Do Until intCounter = 29
des = Replace(strorigFileName, arrSpecialChar(intCounter), "")
intCounter = intCounter + 1
strorigFileName = des
Return strorigFileName
End Function vs asp Options
This is a basic overall question. Please note I am new to ASP!
I am currently running IIS 5/Access 2000/Windows 2000 and have developed a web application.
From what I have been told, to really emulate a master/detail form, the best way would be to use to do so.
1. is that true?
2. if so, does run against Access or SQLServer?
3. what would I need to purchase to emulate this?
Thank you for your help.
Multitier application and Datagrid Options
I'm trying to understand how can I write a application in three layers and use a datagrid on a object.
For example, let's say I have a table on my database (COUNTRIES) with the fields ID and DESCRIPTION. And I have a class Country that would connect to this table:
class Country {
public int ID {
public string Description { get; set; }
Now, I know I can create a data source out of this object and connect it to a datagrid.
But how then can I handle things updates, inserts and deletions in the datagrid?
Thank you in advance,
Delete text file file
using System;
using System.IO;
class Test {
public static void Main()
string path = @"c:\temp\MyTest.txt";
using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(path)) {}
string path2 = path + "temp";
// Ensure that the target does not exist.
// Copy the file.
File.Copy(path, path2);
// Delete the newly created file.
Allow only one row to get updated in disconnected data access
To alter the default behavior of the DataAdapter object which does multiple-row changes to thedatabase, the following code updates only the first row modified to the database irrespective of any rows you changed.
sqlDataAdapter1.UpdateBatchSize = 1;
DataSet1 ds = (DataSet1)dataSet11.GetChanges();
MessageBox.Show("Only the first of the modified rows updated!");
how to use a SqlDataAdapter to get data from a database into a DataSet
Dim sConnection As String = "server=local);uid=sa;pwd=password;database=yourDatabase"
Dim objDataAdapter As New SqlDataAdapter("Select * From tableName", sConnection)
Dim dsResult As New DataSet("Result")If Not IsNothing(objDataAdapter) Then
' Fill data into dataset
End If
' Test by bind data into datagridview control
Me.DataGridView1.DataSource = dsResult.Tables(0)
Session state might be invalid or corrupted Error Options
I have a Web Farm scenario in my application where i am storing the
custom User Object in Session and all the session state
information is stored in Oracle Database .My Session Handler class
inherits from SessionStateStoreProviderBase class.
Structure of User Object is follows
User Contains Object of Generic List of Type Role Object
Role Object contains Generic List of Type Permission Object
Here is complete stack trace of exception
System.Web.HttpException: The session state information is invalid and
might be corrupted. at
reader) at SessionStateProviderManager.deserialize(HttpContext
p_context, String p_serializedItems, Int32 p_timeout)
Does any one has idea on this error 'Session state information is
invalid and might be corrupted' ?.
that under which scenario do we get this error and what are possible
Session state might be invalid or corrupted Error Options
I have a Web Farm scenario in my application where i am storing the
custom User Object in Session and all the session state
information is stored in Oracle Database .My Session Handler class
inherits from SessionStateStoreProviderBase class.
Structure of User Object is follows
User Contains Object of Generic List of Type Role Object
Role Object contains Generic List of Type Permission Object
Here is complete stack trace of exception
System.Web.HttpException: The session state information is invalid and
might be corrupted. at
reader) at SessionStateProviderManager.deserialize(HttpContext
p_context, String p_serializedItems, Int32 p_timeout)
Does any one has idea on this error 'Session state information is
invalid and might be corrupted' ?.
that under which scenario do we get this error and what are possible
Problem Reading Excel XML Options
I've saved an Excel spreadsheet to XML using Excel 2003 and now want
to read it using
Below, I've pasted an abbreviated snippet from the XML file. The
actual file is really long, but this section should demonstrate my
problem. I am trying to read this file using and find the
Worksheet node using the following code:
Dim xmlDocument As new XmlDocument
Dim aNode As XmlNode = xmlDocument.SelectSingleNode("//Workbook")
I've tried several different XPath syntaxes and I've also tried
looking for different nodes. I can't seem to get anything, even though
the code works when I test it with a simpler XML file not generated by
Can anyone help me retrieve and navigate XML nodes in this Excel
generated XML file please?
Thanks for any help.